Acid Reflux


My two month old has acid reflux. Doctor says this just happens, but the fact that she was early and c-section can contribute to it, and she'll grow out of it. Anyways, I think it's causing a fussy baby! She is forever gassy, and only poops every 3-4 days. Doctors and everything I've read says this is normal for a breastfed baby but my first daughter pooped every single day at least once a day! She also spits up and has to be burped (another thing my first did not do at all!). I know every baby is different, I just wanted to see if anyone else is going through this too! She also eats every 2 hours round the clock... not by my choosing, I'm not a wake up to feed type, she's choosing! I believe it's all related to the acid reflux. but she is not an easy baby! I feel so awful for her, the gas seems painful so often. She hates to be swaddled but loves to be on her belly. Anyone else experience acid reflux and similar behaviors?