This isnt the end

Having a miscarriage is never easy but I can tell you one thing it show that we have humanity in the world, people that care, your friends and family who have been through it all time and time again some of which do not want to be reminded of this horrible time but they are there by your side for you.

Dealing with a loss seems so unfair and yes it is but we were gifted to become pregnant and one day which it will, it will happen again and this time you a prepared, stronger than you will ever know and you will fight for it. I am writing this with only just having a miscarriage myself..clueless as to what happens, what I must feel, how people will act around me but one thing I know for certain is how much I want to become a mummy sitting in that waiting room waiting for the outcome really puts a different perspective on life and what you really want out of it, I know this is it, this is my story and it will happen again so believe in miracles because they do happen 💖