BUMP UNDER ARM?!? Help a fellow girl in need


So this bump has been with me and grown for over about 2 1/2 years. I have one that is smaller on my other armpit as well but this one is better for pics 😂

I have went to a doctor and they never directly told me what’s going on in there. I suspect it’s a swollen lymph node. The doctor says the lymph node needs to get bigger then it would appropriate to take out and since extracting a lymph node is a surgery that could have aftereffects they decided against it. They gave me steroids to see if it would reduce the swelling but it only made me gain 10 lbs that I to this day can’t lose😂 They said to come back in a year but I never went back since it just got a little bigger bc I didn’t foresee they would tell me any different. So it’s been almost a year since I was supposed to go back and it seems FLUID is making it grow? Or is it the lymph node idk it’s really weird. I’m worried bc both of my grandmas had breast cancer sooo I guess I just don’t want to think it’s cancer cause that’s scary BUT it is a possibility right?

As of now it constantly feels like it is sore. You know how 2nd day soreness is the worst when u workout? That’s what it feels like all concentrated on my armpit 😂😂 also the soreness for some reason gets more intense during around my period? Idk why

Mind you that this bump has grown from the summer of junior year of High school to now my freshman year of college so it’s been 2 1/2 years since it appeared. It obviously has caused me self esteem issues but I never told anyone that bc they only seem to focus on the physical effects. During the summer I would pick outfits based off of how much of my bumps were exposed and how I could hide it. I still am terribly conscious of it everyday whether it be on my outfits. OMG the worst is wearing backpack straps lol

Any opinions, answers, or ideas on what I should do? Or what my condition is? Because the doctors have never directly said what it is so I’m just guessing at this point. Thanks 🙏🏻