Rethinking my marriage after not receiving support after 2 failed IUIs.

I hate to even post this let alone think it but I've lost a lot of respect and love for my husband after 2 failed IUIs. We've been married 5 years and had been trying for 2 years before <a href="">IUI</a>. I'm 33 and he is 34. In the process, I developed depression which I openly told my husband all of what I have been feeling.

Long story short, the first failed <a href="">IUI</a> crushed my spirit because I was feeling so many symptoms and I just knew it worked but he remained emotionless saying "God just didn't think it was the right time". We tried the very next month mind you, and the doctor left the message on my phone which I didn't want to check but he listened and straight up told me "its negative". He didn't comfort, console, or even pray with me.

After this, I decided to take a break from trying because I never want to bring a child into this world if my marriage isn't healthy.

Fast forward 3 months from last results of <a href="">IUI</a> (September 2017), we had sex only twice and he still doesn't express any emotion or affection. Not sure if he's getting pleasure elsewhere especially since he's in school to become a minister.

Am I overthinking this? Am I too emotional? After seeing negative pregnancy tests for 2 years+, 1 surgery to open a tube, and hearing 2 negative results from a fertility specialists; who is in their right mind?