I dont like posting staff about my private life but....

I dont talk to know one about my life... but Im feeling really sad and upset with my husband , last night I told him that he should spend more time with our 1 year old baby and he told he HOPE THAT I CAN HELP HIM WITH HIS WORK he have his own company as a cyber security unfortunately I dont have not knowledge in the cyber , I told him I dont get tired taking care of my daughter just for him to spend time with her as her Dad ...Actually Im not working I stay home with the baby...I know he is working so hard ...Im a hard worker just that we decided that I will stayed home and he also told me one day that with his company I can be home taking care and take care of our kids , But if he always reminds me the I dont work it makes feel so so bad , I dont have any help he watched her sometimes just for few minutes he never spend with her even an hour....This is our firs baby I really dont know I I want to have more baby with him...sometimes Im doing dinner and he just stay in his office and the baby is with me all the time....I put her in the playpan and she just play by her self, He dont do nothing with her , read books or play....Is that normal?? any other mom with the same issue.