SIMS 8 hour play


Events of tonight:

Created new household. One person and a dog.

Figured out dogs are super hard to take care of in this game so found a chick and had her move in

*sigh* she has a dog too

Try to figure out what to do because shit is now expensive and she’s unemployed. She does terribly at her job and after a week passing she doesn’t get a raise.

Fine whatever. I break up with her, I keep her dog after deleting her because apparently that’s the only way to evict??? Besides murder.

The dog is the WORST. Tears up everything and attacks my dog.

Put up dog for adoption, my dog is now lonely.

I keep the job for a bit but KEEP HER MONEY SHE WAS HOMELESS WITH THE OG 20k you start with.

Start pet clinic and my IRL fiancée guilts me into creating his dog because I made a female pit bull. THEY GET ALONG AND ENTERTAIN EACH OTHER PRAISE JEEBUS.

Pet clinic sucks but earns tons of money, going well but only rated 2-2.5 stars, so I give up and sell it. Gain $80k.

Move to countryside with new house. Fancy af and athlete. Still have 30k after making improvements and adding a workout room.

Thank you for joining me on this journey