Fetal Doppler!


2 weeks ago OB said I had a SCH. OB said the baby looked good & had a strong HB. I worried every day still. So I decided to get a Fetal Doppler for peace of mind (how cool of a thing to have anyway lol). I ordered it Friday & it arrived Sunday... So excited!!!...

So of course I immediately tried it, fully aware that I might not be able to hear the HB at this stage, 11w 2d. After a few mins. I couldn't find the HB. I looked up & watched a great YouTube video & with in a min. I found the HB!!

It was nice & strong & the greatest sound ever! It was the 1st time SO & I heard the HB. It is a fond memory that we were able to experience together! He drives over the road & probably would not have been home for that appointment.