Stupid question?



I got the whole irregular AF thing going on,

So I start provera, my last day was Sunday, now I’m just waiting to begin my AF for my femera.

And since I’m new and kinda a derp, i have a silly question.

When do I start taking my OPKs?

I just went out and bought like 5 boxes of clear blue, it says start on CD blah blah blah. (I forgot lol)

But I just started and don’t even know when my cycle days begin? So like is the beginning of your period day one?

How long do you know your cD ends?

Is it your next period?

Lol I’m sorry if these questions are like..very obvious, I’m just trying to understand this jazz and be 100 percent certain when it comes to this stuff.

So should I start my opks the day after my AF? A week?