Family driving me nuts!!


Long read sorry. 27 weeks 3 days, due March 12th! 4th baby, 1st boy!!! Super excited I want to get him out already an play with him! Then again, most of the family has been waiting for us to have a boy an it's been overwhelming!. (They dont know its a boy!) My MIL who's usually super cool an all is driving me insane!! Basically insulting me every time I turn around saying I'm going straight with this one an I was wide with my girls when all my pictures with my girls I went straight out an even pointed out in a bunch of them how you couldn't tell I was pg unless I turned sideways. My BIL thinks his brother (my hubby) is incapable of having boys, kinda insulting to him in my opinion. Just cause he's had one boy doesn't mean he only has boys an he acts like it does, an Because I have 3 girls he thinks it's another girl. So many people pissing me off I just don't even want to leave the house anymore. Took a mini vacation to Branson Mo. leaving my girls with MIL got back an they all but threw them in our truck an I find out never gave them a bath the entire time we were gone. which was 3 days. I have no family no babysitters and they practically never babysit for us. an when they do they call us non stop asking when we'll be back. I know my girls are a handful but b4 my mini 3 day vaca, I hadn't had a night out with my hubby in over 2 months. I feel so stressed out. I don't wanna bring my lil boy into all this, I almost just wanna call my sister an have her take me to the hospital an screw everyone else. I don't want them around my baby. They don't want to watch my girls, then they ain't watching my lil boy. Its always been just hubby an me an he knows it to. I'm tired. Not to mention a friend of mine died recently an I didn't know till yesterday that hurt. I'm an emotional wreck, moody as hell an tired all the time. (Need a stiff drink, I wish anyway.) sorry for the book