Idk what to dooo😭

Chole J.

I have a history of panic attacks and depression. Today my best friend went off on me. And accusing me of crap I didn’t do. She’s been doing this really often. I’m a freshman so is she. Today after 6th hour I went up to her and she went off on me. Right there I had a panic attack I couldn’t breathe or talk. The only think I could do was turn around and walk away. Im in 7th hour right now and I want to cry so freeking bad. She knows I’m going through a lot right now but she still is treating me really bad. And I honestly get jealous of her sometimes because she’s more pretty than me and she has a bigger but. And the guys I like talk about it in front on me. That happened a lot today so I wanna cry even more because my best friend is treating me like crap and I can’t get any guy because all they ever see is her. That’s all they ever see. Always.😭😭😭