Choosing a treatment option


Hello! So, after a cycle of testing my fiancé and I met with our RE yesterday to go over all the results and discuss options. Despite us both being 38, all my tests came back in the normal range and fiancés semen anaylsis was off the charts good. So basically unexplained infertility. RE said we can start with Clomid and <a href="">iui</a> -lower success rate and covered by my insurance, follistim injections- higher success rate and would be paying out of pocket, or

<a href="">IVF</a>

- obv highest success rate and out of pocket.

Anyone in a similar situation, what did you and your partner choose and why? We are going to go with Clomid and <a href="">iui</a> for a few cycles bc it’s covered but I’m afraid I will be wasting time. Would love some input from some of you!

Side note- we have been trying for 2.5 years. We did get preg once about 16 months ago but resulted in a very early miscarriage. I have an 11 yr old from my previous marriage and fiancé has no kids..

Thanks Ladies 😊