Husband snores!!

Suppose I'm just having a whinge, but any advice to help us come to a solution would be great!........ My husband works night shifts, then comes home & into bed around 5am. From the moment his head hits the pillow, he snores......& it's loud! So my day pretty much starts from then even on a 'sleep in' day & even when I've only had 5hrs sleep myself! (no wonder I'm a grumpy bum in the mornings! Haha!) We've tried different sleeping positions for him, sometimes 1 works better than the rest, but not guaranteed! We've looked into medical intervention but he doesn't want to go to sleep with a machine strapped to his face! there anything else we can try!?!? Atm we're trying to conceive, but I end up going into the spare room to get my last few hours zzzzzz's, so that doesn't look likely!!!! heeeeeelllllppppp please! I never noticed 'the snore' be this bad, maybe I was in the 'love bubble'! lol 😂