I really like this guy but I have a boyfriend

Me and my boyfriend met a year ago next month shortly before I started college he is 26 I am 21 we talked for months and then started dating he use to come around all the time and we would go out to eat and to the mall now he doesn’t even text me at all during the week we have been fighting a lot over stupid little things and I’ve pretty much had enough of his games but I started talking to this guy and my intentions were just to be friends cuz I don’t have a lot of friends and he lives literally right around the corner from me and I have a boyfriend I’m 21 he’s 31 we hung out tonight we have hung out a couple times but not for very long tonight was the longest we have hung out I don’t know what happened but we just started kissing witch led to making out and then we had sex like mind blowing sex better than my boyfriend has ever been and I feel horrible that I cheated on him and I really think I like this guy (LIKE A LOT!) but I can’t cuz I have a boyfriend I don’t know what to do I really need help my boyfriend and I have been at each other’s throats about petty shit like he says he’s going to pick me up from work and he never shows up never calls no text nothing but I’m the bad guy for getting upset about it he said that he will pick me up at my moms last Sunday and told me 3 hours after he was suppose to be there to get me that hale wasn’t coming basically we never hang out anymore like ever I’m getting really tired of his games it has become like an every week thing should I tell him that we need a break and take that time to see if this new guy is what I think he is or should I just brush it off like nothing happened once again I feel horrible for cheating this is the first time that I have cheated on anyone since high school please help