Am I selfish??

Maddie • Mommy to Sophia Grace && Silas Michael. ♥️ Proud Pit-bull Rescuer. 🐾 Married, && treated like a queen. 👑

My mom and I have always had issues but, we can be really good friends. (There's not a parent/child relationship.) Since I got pregnant I've been trying to include her in everything because she lives 7ish hours from me. She called the other night while my husband and I were picking out names and that has made a WHIRLWIND of issues.

If it's a boy the name will be Silas Michael. Michael, after my husbands father who passed away a few years ago. Problem with that is my father's name is Michael, as well (my parents are divorced) and no matter how many times I tell her it's a tribute to his dad, and NOT mine, she still pitches a fit. For the girl name we chose Marcella Rose, (my husband is Italian). She then pitched a fit that we aren't using either one of her names. And kept saying rude things about the name and now has me second guessing it. She said she asked five of her clients today and everyone thinks it sounds awful, or like Cinderella's evil sister? And then when I told her it wasn't up to her she called me selfish?? What do you all think about Marcella ("Marcie" for short)?