Blood at 16 weeks, a lot of them [Picture included]


Our baby is 16 weeks.


My wife bled an abnormal amount of blood (IMO). Visited OB/GYN and found a cephalic anterior low lying placenta is likely to cause the bleeding, this should be ok since the uterus will be stretch out and move the placenta away from the cervix.

Long version:

Last week on December 6th, my wife found herself bled an abnormally amount of blood. I mean, it’s looks too much for me and she said this is an amount of her menstruation.

It was an unfortunate situation since we were on our business trip abroad, it was the last day in late night and our flight is in the early morning, and the time zone difference make us unable to contact our OB/GYN at home.

So we don’t have much choice, but to fly back home.

On December 8th, Once we got back home we visited 2 OB/GYN for cross checking. The first doctor did sonogram and diagnosed it’s a threatened abortion (I don’t know medical term for this), and it could be from various factors so the progesterone was injected, and maternal vitamins were prescribed.

The baby is doing ok from the sonography. But the doctor wasn’t mentioned anything about placenta.

The bleeding was stopped since then.

Yesterday on December 14th, later another bleeding came with more amount of blood. This time she said she felt the stream of blood from the inside.

We visited another OB/GYN since we’re in the another city. This time the doctor did another sonogram, and found that our baby position is anterior and her placenta is low lying near the cervix. This could likely to cause the bleeding due to the friction of the baby head and the placenta (which is a blood pool). The blood should be stopped within 72 hours. The doctor also suggested that she should reduce her activity such as excessive amount of walking or exercise, including sexual intercourse.

No medications were prescribed this time.

The baby is ok and very active. Super active to be precise.

Everything is ok now. We have to be caution of our daily activity. And the next appointment with the doctor is on the 20th week.

We found some interesting indicators from our doctors’ questions.

1. If it’s a painless bleeding: it’s maybe caused by a partial abruption of placenta and payout should visit the doctor if the bleeding does not stop within 48-72 hours

2. If it’s a painful bleeding: it’s likely to be a complete placenta abruption and you should see the doctor immediately

But you know, any kind of abnormally should be diagnosed by the doctor. If Whatever amount of the blood has came off, consult your doctor immediately.

From this experiences, we are learning how to read the sonography btw.
