Welcome to Glow Nurture
Stop in and introduce yourself. We'd love to know more about you. Is this your first baby? or second? or third? Having twins? Any complications? Did you use Glow to get pregnant? Natural, IUI or IVF?
Last reply May 4, 2023
The Glow Nurture Monthly pregnancy rooms have only one rule: Be kind, and have fun! Anyone who does not follow this one simple rule will be asked to leave our community. Let us support and nurture each other during this incredible time.
Last reply Nov 22, 2017
Belly Pics!
Post a picture of your belly and we will try to guess how far along you are. 8-)
Last reply Jun 3, 2020
2nd infertility
Helllo,I thought this might the place to post questions about secondary infertility. We’ve been trying for about a year with no luck and wanted to see if you all had any recommendations or advice ❤️❤️
Last reply Apr 20, 2022
First day of school 😭
Today is my oldest baby's first day of preschool 🥲 how do they grow so fast?
Last reply Sep 2, 2021
Potty training
Anyone else not potty trained? We were doing so good for like a week, but now Josie is flat out refusing to sit on the potty. She’s holding “it” to the point of constipation. I need any tips you can give me! I have 2 other littles, so 3 in diapers/pull-ups is killing me!
Last reply Sep 17, 2021
Waking up at night
So last year my son slept through the night had a bed time routine and was fully independent at playing by himself but in October last year my father in law decided to move in with us because of his living situation and our whole living situation flipped upside down we had to rearrange our rooms and it was a mess he would wake up at 3 am and start his day but when he did move in my son started waking up at 3 am every day going into my father in laws room and hanging out then would fall asleep at 10 am and sleep till 12 and be up and we didn’t find that out till months after it started happening anyways it continued till he moved out in February and we finally got our house back and my child will no longer play independently like I knew would happen because he always had a play mate in his grandfather and now 5 months later still wakes up every night at 3 am 2 weeks ago his schedule got so outta whack cause he would stay up from 3 am and not go back to sleep till 12pm 1 pm and so me and him had to cycle our schedule all the way back to sleeping normal so we do it and our schedule is he goes to bed at 9:30 usually out by 10 and then he has been wide awake at 6-8am which is not great but it’s okay but he is still waking up at 3 am to come to our room the tv is off and he usually goes back to sleep but how to I get him to have a full night sleep in his bed without waking up? He stopped having naps at 2 years old I believe if not earlier it’s just never been his thing but now he has a day or 2 when he will nap but on the days that he doesn’t he is trying to fall asleep by 7 and so we have to keep him up I just want him sleeping in his bed till 6 I know it’s not sleep regression because it’s been happening for almost a year now but before my father in law lived with us he would never wake up at night an was sleeping from 10 pm to 9/10am an I just want that back lol any tips we are trying the stay in bed till the light turns green with a alarm clock thing but he isn’t fully awake when he is getting up at 3 so he doesn’t even look and we are usually asleep as well so we don’t see him when he comes in I have a camera so that’s how I know it’s 3 am so it’s not like we can put him back into his room he is exhausted when going to bed idk what else to do we tried to melatonin but it isn’t that he can’t sleep lol and he isn’t heavy enough for a weighted blanket he is 27 lbs we can’t even do a 3lb one yet any suggestions? It’s not the falling asleep it’s the staying asleep lol
Last reply Aug 1, 2021
Is my toddler the daycare outcast?
My almost 3yr old son, he is an only child started attending new daycare part time in June 2020. He would cry at drop off until few months ago. At his Previous daycare, his classmates erupt in pandemonium when he would enter the room, and teachers loved him. He is sweet, handsome and socializes easily with random kids on outings.I assumed it would be no different at his new daycare.His supposed favorite classmate and bestie invited all classmates to her bday party, I thought what fun. My son was excited at first but he turned into a mute and visibly uncomfortable at party. I was anticipating his peers excitement as he arrived to help calm his nerves. Nope,The silence was deafening, and we spent 30 minutes walking around like we crashed a high school reunion party. Awkward. He stood quietly near other Toddlers who wouldn’t even say hi or look at him even when mothers prompted. At one point, My son raised his arms outwards to a boy which I recognized ; but the boy began cry and retreated behind his father. Father apologized, claiming son was overwhelmed. I tried to explain to my son. We eventually left after my son began crying and tantrum ensued. In the car He kept saying “I am sad, not my friends” It broke my heart. Is there anything I can do to make it better?
Last reply May 23, 2021
Soon to be 3!! 😭
3!?!? 🤯 AlreadyIt's been such an amazing journey to be on as a mom now with a soon to be 3yr old. He is so independent and kinda a trouble maker.Time has flown by so fast. He is going to be starting pre-school this fall.
Last reply Apr 28, 2021
Boy bedroom ideas
Hi all! Our May 2018 babe will be moving into his big kid room soon so new baby can move into nursery. I am struggling with narrowing down direction for his new room. I know we want a twin bed but that’s about it haha. Let me see your toddler boy bedrooms for some inspiration! 🤗🤗
Last reply May 8, 2021
Potty training suggestion
This worked amazingly well. My daughter was using a hand me down regular potty chair and didn’t seem to grasp if she had peed or not. Now she loves to make a turtle appear and the 3 day potty training worked for urine. Still working on poops.
Last reply Dec 30, 2020
When do we do things... 14 weeks and I’m wondering when to start using stretch mark creams/ oilsWhen to start shopping. What to get first, When do you start feeling kicks / movements Like is their a guide to this 🤣🤣 FTM I have no clue what to even put on a registry ( I know this will come way later ) Do we just chill until 30 weeks orrr?? I need some direction because I’m overly excited with my rainbow baby but I don’t wanna over do it
Last reply Dec 29, 2020
Pre-school or wait?
Are any of you starting preK for your 3 years old next year or are you waiting until they turn 4? My little guy isn’t in daycare- we are lucky enough to have both my mother and in law watching him. We definitely are thinking something at least part time next year to get the socialization but are trying to weight the benefits of pre-school vs day programs through the town.
Last reply Jun 3, 2021
Ready for #2!
Wow i haven’t been on here since my baby boy was born May 2018!! And here I am back and ready to socialize with all of you again because we are ready to start trying for baby #2!!💙💗
Last reply Jan 23, 2021
His potty trained
Besides having trouble pulling his underwear n pants down n wiping he is potty trained it took 3 days of consistency n he sleeps with no diaper at night with no accidents gosh I’m so proud of him we got the frog urinal from Amazon and he took to that instantly! I love him hope you all have a great potty training experience!!
Last reply Oct 15, 2020
Long torso short legs
So my son has a short legs he can still fit in like 12-18m pants or shorts and his waist is so small that 2T pants just fall down with no pull strings but his torso is so long 2T shirts don’t fit anymore like his belly hangs out from all shops target Carter’s old navy and children’s so he needs 3t now so my Dilemma is for pjs 2t pants stay on as well as I can hope but I know 3t won’t so does anywhere sell just pj shirts or are they too young? I know I can just put him in regular shirts but then I’m waist pj shirts
Last reply Sep 29, 2020
Who's potty trained?
Last reply May 4, 2021
Mean mom moment
I’m sure we’ve all had them. That moment where you put yourself first instead of your child. The “selfless mom” mode goes away for just a minute. I did it today. I was the mean mom...I ate the last fruit snack pack... and I enjoyed every bite.#noshame #meanmom Now I’m off to Walmart to buy the mega pack because the mom guilt set in quick 😂😂😂😂😂
Last reply Sep 10, 2020
Help!!! 2 y/o hair help needed
I am no expert. I throw my hair in a pony tail or bun every day because it's Arizona .. and it's too damn hot to wear my hair down most of the year. My 2 year old is half Hispanic and half white, I mention this because I know genetics play a part. She takes more after me .. (white) than dad (Hispanic). But her hair is super fine and curly but for some reason is EXTREMELY dry and gets knotted up even right after a bath. I use conditioner every bath, I even tried Pantene pro v intense repair shot and it helped but this is still how it looks. Any products that can be recommended or any help is needed and appreciated!!These pics are the morning after her bath last night. I don't blow dry either and I use it's a 10 leave in conditioning spray and biosilk. I brush with a wet comb while conditioner is in her hair.***UPDATE*** To clarify, I do not and never have washed her hair every day. I, myself have very fine hair and washing everyday makes my hair dry and extra greasy so I knew about that. Thank you to everyone who helped I really appreciate it. I looked up curly hair method and how to care for curly hair and I bought some Cantu shampoo, conditioner, leave in argan oil conditioning cream for repair and a moisturizing spray. Just gave her a bath and am already seeing a difference with these products! I noticed a difference while her hair was wet and am just waiting for it to fully dry but it looks much better so far. I'll post updated pics once her hair is all the way dry!! Sorry no face pics but I don't post pictures of my kids faces online anywhere. But her hair thanks everyone!Also, no more brushing. Only wide toothed combs and finger combing.You guys are amazing!! Look at the difference it made after 1 washing. Wow. THANK YOU!!
Last reply Sep 11, 2020