Ladies i need your help!

My period was supposed to arrive Dec 8th, when it didn't appear I took a test which came out what looked to be negative to me, but my SO says he saw something, same as my cousin.

My period arrived around 11 p.m on the 9th, making it one day late, as usual I felt down about it for a second because we've been TTC for 2 and a half years. But after a couple minutes I lifted my spirits and said "in time it will happen" and went on with my night and got ready for bed.

Normal periods for me are 5-8 days long, this one only being 4 hours the first day, 6 hours the next day and about 30 minutes on the third day and it never came back.

Also I thought it might be important that I'm TTC with PCO.

I'm having symptoms such as;

Tired! I cannot stay awake, in the last 48 hours I've slept about 32 hours, I just cannot keep my eyes open :(.

More hungry then normal - it's currently 3 in the morning and I'm up stuffing tacos down lol.

I'm starting to notice my mood going from very positive and happy the last little while to absolutely moody and cranky. The few hours ive been awake my SO has probably been wishing I was still sleeping because everything has me complaining.

Do you ladies think I should test again, or no?

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