Tuesday called my doctors office because I hadn’t felt baby move in about a day

Tuesday called my doctors office because I hadn’t felt baby move in about a day. They told me to come in ASAP so as I was getting ready to go to the doctors my water broke! Called the doctors back and they told to just head straight to the hospital got there and the decide my water was broken and I was dilated to 4cm so I got to stay, was put on pitocin to help move things along.. ended up taking 27hrs to get to 9cm by this time my doctor came in and said we were gonna do a c section because oh how slowly I was progressing, went through the c section no problems and our baby was finally here! That night I was bleeding a lot and passing a couple blood clots that were huge! So they had my doctor check on it when he came in, he noticed that part of my cervix was ripped and just hanging there because of how far along I had gotten the day before. He looked into it and decided I needed to have a surgery done to just remove it because he didn’t want me to continue to lose blood and keep passing those huge blood clots! So I went through a second surgery but again my doctor told my boyfriend all went well! First time mom and even though all this happened I just can’t get over my baby boy Avery Daniel! He’s perfect to me and I’m so in love! 👶🏻💙