My labor...

Cass • •Mrs. 💍 •27💕• 2/20/2011👦🏻, 12/14/17👧🏼, 1/6/20 👶🏼

On 12/14/17 I woke up from stomach and back pain and feeling like I need to poop at I get up walk to the bathroom and force myself to poop but the pain just got worse not better, I sat in the bathroom for 30mins until I decided to try to take Tylenol, I woke my husband up getting the Tylenol, I laid next to him for another hour and he said I think you need to go to hospital.. so he helped me get ready, and cleaned the car off from snow, then he went back inside and I drove myself to the hospital, since it’s now 4am and my son has school, so I didn’t want to wake him if it wasn’t labor.. hospital is 5min drive from where I live and contractions are 1min apart, get there and go to the emergency area to be let in, and they ask if I need to be wheeled up, it’s a 3min walk to the elevators from the er, I said no and walked to the elevators and went up to the birthing center, got there and was registered(took her 10mins) and I was standing talking to her, finally get into the room, they say I need you to pee and get a gown on, so I did and the nurse come in to check me, and her eyes went big and she’s like your 8cm dilated and baby’s head is right there, so they need to rush to get me into another room, and on an IV, and well there were doing that, I made my husband get there.. they got IV hooked up, my blood drawn, and then and antibiotics in me just Incase because I was only 34weeks along.. I begged the doctor to break my water at 9cm but she didn’t she waited and had to break it at 10cm and I gave 4hard pushes with screaming Ouch,and had my sweet baby girl at 6:37am on 12/14/17.. she weighs 5lbs 11oz and 19 inches long. I got discharged after 6hrs after giving birth, because my daughter was shipped to another hospital that has a nicu, and so I can be with her, they let me leave..

The doctor and nurses keep saying how strong I am, because I didn’t have pain meds, I drove myself and walked up to the birthing center in full blown labor and not screaming until I started to push.