I’m pissed😊

Danielle • Wishing upon “Glow” to have a baby🐳💙💕

Okay, so if anyone wants to read a story I got a good one.

So about a week ago, I got a positive pregnancy test, I was beyond excited but I wanted to take some more before I got overly excited. We had a family gathering and my dad slipped it out to my sister (step sister) we’re all going on vacation in February and I was gonna wait to tell my brother (biological) because this would be his first niece or nephew so I wanted it to be special, BUT here’s a twist, apparently my sister (step) told him I may be pregnant and he got mad at me made me cry at work because I didn’t tell him, so immediately I confronted my sister about the situation and was beyond pissed off, she told me that “it’s not running your mouth if you’re siblings” and I responded “no it’s STILL running your mouth”. YOU DONT DO THAT TO SOMEONE, ESPECIALLY YOUR SIBLINGS.. am I getting overly angry at this situation or what? Because I’m at work and I am pissed off at the world right now. You. Don’t. Do. That. Everrrrrr. I just needed to vent because I’m pissed.