Has any other women wanted to/ or did break down in tears when their SO got their food order wrong?


My husband, as sweet as he is for bringing me lunch at work, decided to not ask what I wanted from subway. For me, I am a very picky eater so I typically just get a meatball with ranch and just a couple pickles. Really simple to remember, right? Well apparently not for my husband. Typically it wouldn’t bother me and I would just say thank you, but not today. Today I was starving and craving subway. When he brought me the sub full of veggies and mayo, I wanted to break down and cry. I eventually did. I told him that it was the wrong type of sub. He laughed and said he was sorry because his phone died. I feel like a complete monster for being mad at him for something so simple as food, but I just wanted to make him go back and get the right thing. Anyone else have these problems during pregnancy?

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