down & sad

after 3 miscarriages and 1 full term pregnancy I got with my now husband...we have been trying for 2 years....was suppose to start Thursday and it didn't...I thought finally after all the doctors and heartache that it was finally going to be our turn this month....woke up this morning to aunt flow...I'm so stressed out and I feel hopeless....I have been told by more than one doctors that I will never be able to get pregnant again.... I took it with a grain of salt but now the depression and mood swings are becoming to much.... I know how much my husband wants a child of his own and I'm realizing that I will never be able to give him one.... is it selfish of me to stay with him knowing I'm never going to be able to give him children? I love him with everything I have and want him to be as happy as possible. I just don't know what to do anymore....its sinking in hard that ill never be able to have more children and I feel like he will resent me later in life...