She’s here 💞


Went in on the 16th at 12 am to start my induction. At 1:30 I was 1 cm so they inserted cyrotex(I think) to soften my cervix. It helped so 4 hrs later they inserted another one. Around 5 am the contractions started and they were 1-3 mins apart. I was slowly dilating. Around 10 they check me and I’m at 2 still contracting every 1-3 mins. They started me on antibiotics so they could break my water. They gave me pain meds through the IV. The meds slowed down the contractions and they became 5 mins apart so they started me on a light dose of pitocin. The contractions become harder and stronger. Around 2 I get an epidural and they see that baby had pooped. So they break my water and I’m at 3 cm. They notice that her head is turned side ways so I lay on my side to get her to turn. At 3:30 they check me and I’m at 3 but she’s turned. At 4 I was at 10 and ready to push. 20 mins later baby girl was here weighing 7 lbs💞