I feel so selfish and ungrateful.

So, growing up I had HORRIBLE body issues. There was not a single thing I liked about myself. When I met my boyfriend, things started changing, I gained a ton of self confidence and started to love myself and all of my imperfections.

Fast forward a few years (six to be exact) , we are expecting our first child! After 2 years of trying to conceive, and lots of failures, we are expecting. Now that I’m pregnant(26 weeks) and the changes in my body are becoming more noticeable, my self image issues have reared their ugly little head back up.

My self confidence is at an all time low, and I don’t like the changes my body is going through. My body is literally doing the most badass thing a woman’s body can do, and my selfish self confidence hates what’s happening to my body. Did anyone else go through this? Any advice?