Dear Anonymous

Dear Anonymous, you hear rumors of me you create rumors of me. You dislike me you tell everyone not to be friends with me. You claim all rumors are true. You say I am an awful person, you say I always try to be better than you. Maybe you are jealous maybe you are the living Satan. Honestly I’d rather have my period 24/7 than deal with you. You are that bad. You’ve turned all my friends against me, told them I have said awful cruel things of them, they now hate me. I have now found new friends who also don’t really like putting up with you. You text me everyday saying these rumors are true and that someone from sarahah commented them. I know you start these rumors and it’s so annoying and sad that this is happening but it’s not even the saddest part. Just a few months ago we were calling each other best friends, hanging out everyday, and saying I love you. Now all I want to say is I hate you. 💔