34 weeks and in a small fender bender

I was in a small accident yesterday morning while backing out of a parking spot, basically a girl was backing out directly behind me, and we backed into each other.

All I can really remember was the sound of the cars touching (no high speeds by any means) but I don’t remember a jolt. However, about an hour after it happened, I got the worst back pain in my middle back.

Since then, my back is throbbing and I feel nauseous but have no idea if it’s coincidental. My belly has actually changed shape like my baby is laying further back, against my spine. She is still moving around but I’m wondering what your opinions are if you’ve experienced something similar? I’m going to call my OB in the morning to see if they want me to come in, but I’m confused if the back pain is just from her literally towards my back or if it’s from the accident ? 😣🤷🏼‍♀️