Why are some women so Jealous and insecure

wish • Wish Martinez

This story goes back a long time. I'll just start with the recent. I had to sign my 5 year old up for the yearly toys for tots. I ended up seeing old acquaintances ( 9 years ago I called them friends). This chick carved my car while we where waiting in line. She swears I liked and even slept with her man. She swears I want to sleep with him. This is after I opened up my door to both of them, and their new born so they could share the experience together. I even gave them their own room (which was my daughters room). I've been with my man a long time. We where together even back then. After their baby was born he did approach me but I turned him down (I brushed it off as new daddy anxiety not to mention I have my morals). I'm the one who would tell him go sit with your Wife and baby( no they where not married but I've always viewed couples as husband and wife). Any time they needed a place my door was open. One day out of no where she came up with these accusations. (they did leave after the whole when our taxes come in we will help you. they where gone by the morning with my daughters infant things. The stuff I saved to look back on for memory's). None of this bothered my until she carved my car. I know who he cheated on her with. It was her best friend some blond chick he Brought to my home. Yes I kicked Blondie out. What I don't get is if I've been honest why does she hold this grudge with me? I don't talk to her man. The last we spoke I told him to tell her the truth (even though she attempted to spread laughable lies about me). Why is she so bent on something that never happened?. I was honest with her when she approached me. I even pointed out to her I even pointed out to her I have never seen her man as someone I could date. I have a type and he isn't my type. I like my man thigh not tooth pick thin. Besides I don't cross the lines. Before I met her I'm the one who told him to go bring her so they could be a family. This is crazy. (I never did tell he he approached me the way he did. I was trying to avoid this drama and I didn't want a family broken while others just beginning.