Overnight/Supply Issues?

Amanda • 35 | Vivian Lee 9/11/2017 & Henry Lee 4/24/2019 👧🏼💗💙👶🏻

So what do you do when baby sleeps longer and longer? Does this hurt your supply. LO is 14 weeks now. Is my supply well established by now that it won’t hurt to go overnight without nursing??? She eats 7-8x a day. But more like 7 now since she’s sleeping about 6-7hrs before she eats again then back to bed for another 3hrs.

Her last feed of the “night” is 9/10pm ish. Then I put her to bed and she sleeps till 5am. Dad gives her a bottle then and I pump. So she quickly goes back to bed till 9/10am ish. Then during the day she eats about every 3hrs. So the longest I go without nursing or pumping is the overnight so like 8hrs from the time I last feed her till I pump. Is this bad or ok???

Like by the time I get her to bed I myself only get about 6hrs sleep. Should I go pump one quick time before I go to bed myself so it’s like 6-6.5hrs and not 8. But I cannot wake up at like 2am to pump. I’m loving my 6hr stretch of sleep lol. I’m able to function like a human again. And I get up at 5am and stay up so I’m not sure what to do.

I mean I assume your body knows the baby is sleeping by this point and shouldn’t decrease supply right?? When I pump at 5am I get 8oz.

What do you all do about overnight??? 😬