when was your first kiss and how was it like?

jennifer • jes a cute regular gal

I was 14 and he was 15. he was my classmate. we always spent time together after school...that particular day we went out to eat after school I think that was the first time we spent an actual significant amount of time there together because I remember feeling butterflies in my stomach. So we were sitting there and I couldn't think of anything to say, so I was just staring out straight ahead. He put his hand under my chin to gently turn' me to face him all romantic movie-like. He put his lips to mine, and... I just didn't know what the fuck I was doing. I panicked and opened my mouth wider because that's what I had seen in the movies, but instead of making out, we pretty much looked like two Magikarps stuck together. Our mouths were so open, OUR TEETH FUCKING TOUCHED. I was mortified....it was awful