Really Long Story But I Need To Vent

So my boyfriend of 2 years and I have been dealing with his ex. 🙄 Let me tell you everything because this is juicy and I just need to vent because I'm annoyed. So the last week of April of last year my boyfriend and I found out I was pregnant. I didnt annouce anything on my social media till September. (Keep in mind I had my instagram public) So I annouced I was pregnant in September and I started noticing a IG account that I didnt recognize requested me a few hours after posting my announcement and they liked the picture of my belly. I quickly put my account private and removed that account from following me. Then after a few weeks I noticed that that same account kept trying to request me again and finally I decided to block that account. Once I blocked it, that same week another few girl fake accounts kept trying to request me. (I never had a problem with fake accounts until I posted my pregnancy announcement.) So I never accepted those accounts I just left them on my request page or whatever. THIS IS WHERE IT GETS JUICY⚠ Okay so my boyfriends ex got with my boyfriends family member and they just had a baby together. She has the nerve to make another instagram account and request my boyfriend and his sister. I was bothered by it so I messaged her and asked her to back off. She had the nerve to come and tell me a big lie about my bf. She said she use to fuck around with my boyfriend while I was still with him and that she stopped messing with him because "I texted him" saying that I thought I was pregnant. Then she said she use to sleep over all the time and be around my mans friends too. She clearly said "I aint making shit up" 💀💀 I asked her to prove it and what did she do, she read it and quickly blocked me 😅 Off the bat I already knew it was all a lie. 1) I was living with my boyfriend before I got pregnant and I was with him 24/7. 2) I didnt have a phone for the first 4 months that I was pregnant so how could I text my boyfriend that I thought I was pregnant? 3) We were in Rosarito the month I found out I was pregnant, so please tell me how the fuck this girl read a message from my mans phone when she was in another country and so were we? And guess what I found out? That account that kept requesting me at first also sent my man a heart on ig message and he blocked that account. AND GUESS WHAT that accou t follows my mans ex and she follows them too. What a coincidence that that account randomly wants to follow me once I start a family and how weird is it that they sent my man a heart and his ex follows that account too? 🤥🤔 BUT THE ANNOYING PART is that she had the audacity to go on Twitter and talk all this mess about me and try to act like shes all hard, had me in tears laughing. Like you can't prove your long ass story but you can go on another app and talk about me behind my back? 💀😂 Like go fucken attend your baby go show your man some love and leave your exs family alone! Once I replied to one of her posts she blocked me on there too lol. ANYWAYS she fckn made her man call my sister in law and say they dont want any drama between my man and I. But its like bitch if you dont want no drama dont go out of your way to try and ruin another persons relationship. She just got engaged too, poor guy; I hope he doesnt get cheated on since his soon to be wife thinks its okay to still worry about another man. I want to tell this girl so much shit but she has me blocked. Im just waiting for the day she will stop hiding at family parties that way I can confront her little dumbass. Now Ive made a new account and I quickly blocked all the fake accounts that Im sure she made. And

ever since I did this I havent had any fake accounts trying to follow me!!! Its the best feeling knowing theres no weirdos stalking me. Which im sure shes breaking her head trying to look for me 🤗 But nice try bitch, my man and I are still going strong with our 1 year old 🤗👪❤ SORRY IT WAS SO LONG 🤦🏻