Is this normal


My baby girl is 5 months and doesn't nap during the day. She will have one nap in the early morning that's at best 40-50 min long (but sometimes she doesn't even take this one!)

The other one or two remaining naps is only 5-15 min long. I know she's still tired because she cries yawns and rubs her eyes right after waking up but she just won't stay asleep! It's driving me crazy because then I have to carry her in my arms all the time or lay down and play with her but I have stuff to do around the house 🤦🏼‍♀️ she's constantly looking to nurse even after I have given her solids ( today she had about 7-10 baby spoons of sweet potatoes and right after that nursed for like 20 min). She nurses all night too so idk if she's hungry or just treats me as her pacifier. Regardless, it's seriously EXHAUSTING, mentally and physically as my boobs can't take it anymore. I need advice! Are any other babies out there like this? What worked for you? Picture of my world! ❤️