Flying Advice/Tips


I have a question for those of you who have flown with infants. My husband is going to a coaching convention in February and since I will still be on Maternity Leave, we decided that we will all go and make it a Family Trip (after the conference of course). Our daughter will be four months at that time and we have no idea what to take for her in terms of sleeping and lounging while we are there. Can we pack her Pack-N-Play or DockATot? Any other baby gear (swing, bouncer, etc.) allowed? I know these items will have to be checked in with our luggage if we are allowed to take them? Also, I am breastfeeding and I pump occasionally. Are pumps allowed allowed on planes? I know I have some pretty "dumb" questions lol, but I am a FTM. We fly about six times per year, but this will be our first flight since becoming parents so we have no idea what is allowed and what isn't.