Confusing feelings about an ex

So last August I met a guy, well call him H. I was immediately attracted to him and we would hangout every once and a while. When we met up we would watch some movies and have casual sex.. I ended up developing feelings and told him and he kept saying we could see where it goes and stuff like he’s not ready for a relationship which was kinda confusing... anyways this continued until about the middle of January of 2017. He just stopped answering me and kinda cut me off. Fast forward to February and I met C. We hit it off immediately and made it official a month later. Everything about him made me feel like the luckiest girl. Around Memorial Day, H started coming back into my life on social media liking my stuff and replying to some of my stories. He wanted to meet up and talk about us. I never ended up going but that night he called me drunk twice. We kept talking secretly on & off. A few months later C & I got married. I love him to death but I also feel like H is that one person I’ll never be able to let go of those feelings for. He said that if I wasn’t married it would be different. He’s said before he lowkey misses me... is he doing this to mess with my mind or does he mean it? How do I deal with these conflicting feelings? He’s always been hard to read so I’m not sure. Please help!