Boyfriend makes me anxious?

I feel like my bf makes me anxious...we’ve had problems in the past regarding trust and what not

And since we’ve gone over that huge bump I feel like I can’t enjoy myself I don’t ever wanna go out with him in fear of he’ll assume I’m being a hoe (his own words)

Such as where I grew up everyone is considered friendly as in we’ll smile at people and say hello going down the street or if we’re at the register and people will make small talk. Although I’ve had to stop doin this cause my boyfriend considers it flirting (when it comes to guys)

He doesn’t seem to understand that it’s out of friendliness.

Every time we’re out I tend to keep my head down and my gaze down as well and I don’t want to be like that anymore.

I have to keep my gaze in one certain spot cause if I look at my surroundings and he finds me looking at a spot too long he’ll look over too. Then there’s time he’ll be like I saw you checking a guy out when in reality I just wanna enjoy the scenery he always does that and no matter what I say I can’t convince him otherwise.

It’s always been a constant problem and it makes me wonder if it would be better if I walk away.

I have told him this before and he told me to stop thinking like that but how can I if he still assumes