So I’ve been with my boyfriend for 4 years now.. into this relationship he had a son which I totally didn’t mind. I’ve been raising him since he was 2 years. We now have a baby boy which I had trouble conceiving to begin with. But the good lord blessed me and we are now a family of 4. Anyways we split up 2 years ago and I messed up... i starting seeing someone fast and it led to sex... when I got back with my bf I told him because I’m not a dishonest person especially in relationships... since that day on he had said he didn’t care as long as I was with him we would work it out && so forth... but now all I am is “hoe” to him and just the most horrible person in his life... I’m so sick of all the stupid things he tells me and smart remarks it’s gotten annoying... his family doesn’t know about that they only know that we fight a lot and his mom suggested I should fight for my relationship because I am the woman in it.. like WTF,, all I told her was that I was not going to fight for something the other person kept tearing downn.. like I know what I did was wrong but do I deserve the nonstop insults and stupid remarks.. I recently caught him on a dating site which I packed my things and my baby’s things as I watched him cry and say he was “sorry”, & that he didn’t talk to anyone on there but yet he paid 35$ to join it!! Did he deserve the second chance!! Is that fair to me!! He was on this website while I laid in the hospital alone a week after having my baby C-Section,high fever high heart rate iv’s in both arms stickers all over my chest so they could monitor my heart... do I deserve this I ask myself daily... was my decision so messed up that I deserve all Im left with... a relationship that’s gone out the window...I just don’t know what to do anymore I’m seriously worthless