I may get alot of grief over this BUT

Im going to rant anyway. EX DRAMA. they can be disrespectful right? some can be your best friend right? well for those who get along and dont have to worry about any lines being crossed thats awesome im so glad some people are mature.🙌🙌 but for those who didnt get so fortunate let me just say if the ex does things to make you mad or make things hard on your relationship you dont have to deal with it just because your boyfriend or husband has a kid by her. shes the childs mother shes in the childs life not yours. if she comes around and causes problems your husband or boyfriend is suppose to be on your team. stop it and meet her yourself somewhere to pick child up or drop off

. if your so or husband doesnt want to listen to you or doesnt respect you enough to realize it hurts you that she step in your relationship to cause you problems STRAIGHT UP LEAVE HIS ASS.. his life is with you now amd thats how it should be you help him he helps you he can love and see his child without that disrespectful ex in his life too. RANT OVER