Graves Disease


I have kind of a long question, I apologize in advance. I am not sure if I am pregnant, but my period is about 3 weeks late which has never happened in 10+ years being I am on a very scheduled cycle on the pill. I have taken a few tests but they have all come back negative. The reason I am "jumping the gun" on this is because I have Graves disease and am on Methimazole. My numbers are regulated at 10 mg of Methimazole per day. I have heard from multiple doctors and Google research that Methimazole can cause serious birth defects. That is why I am so worried and if there is a chance I am pregnant, I want to find out early in order to figure out my Graves treatment. Has anyone been in this situation? What would you recommend? I dont want to go to the doctor and get a pregnancy check done so early, but this is very uncommon for my cycle and I dont want to do any harm if I am pregnant. Thank you in advance!