An early Christmas gift and sympathy pains 😂


Last Tuesday the 19th I had my 38 week checkup. Everything had been going well but I was anticipating my doctor sending me for an ultrasound to check baby boys size. Through the last few months him being big has been mentioned a few times. What I did NOT expect was to be sent to labor and delivery directly from my appointment.

My BP was high for me. There was protein in my urine and of course I had a headache. I had a headache almost my entire pregnancy so I didn't think anything of that. At L&D; they did some labs and confirmed preeclampsia and immediately started induction.

This was at around 4 pm. The doctor implanted cervidil to soften my cervix. it took 12 hours. during that time I dilated another cm to 3cm. Then the real fun came. Pitocin. This was my first pregnancy so obviously I didn't know what to expect pain wise. The pitocin gave me light contractions for about about 6 hours and then the real fun started. The pain was so intense that I passed out at one point. I don't remember a lot of that evening because I was blacking out. I was trying so hard to wait as long as I could for the epidural. Sweet relief that was when I finally got it. They gave it to me at about 945 pm. At 11pm I knew I had to push. I passed out again twice during pushing. My baby boy Allister arrived at. 1:10 am weighing 6 lbs and 3 oz. so much for a big baby. 🤔

Fast forward to the next day. I'm unable to pee on my own but I'm trying so hard. I sat on the toilet for thirty minutes crying in pain. While I was doing that I could hear my boyfriend throwing up in the room. When I came out he was pacing and sweating. I told him to go home in case he was contagious and asked him to get some rest and go to the doctor. On his way home he had pain so bad he almost lost consciousness and pulled over to vomit multiple times. He told me he felt like someone kicked him in the balls. I told him to go to the ER. He went. KIDNEY STONES. Don't people say that is like labor? What are the chances!? Didn't this happen on Friends? 😂 So I'm in the hospital and so is he but 15 miles away.

Poor guy. Anyway, mom, baby, and Daddy are all home and well now. 💙