A rant about ignorant people


Omg people suck!

So it's Christmas Day, and I'm with my husband's family. Everything is going great, except for when my father in law called my husband and I out in front of everyone. ("Why haven't you had children yet? I want grandchildren, you lets face it, you guys are getting to be too old").

I get that his comments may come from a place of good intentions. But seriously?

I'm 28. Im not too old. I was so mad! Seriously?? I would love to have kids! I've had 4 miscarriages over that past 2 years, and for him to bring all that up on Christmas is so upsetting.

To top it off, my husband didn't have a problem with what his father said.

I get that some men don't make an attachment to a child until its born. I get that. But with each child I ultimately miscarried I made that attachment. I made that bond.

And to be reminded of that on Christmas?? Seriously I'm so sad right now.

How do you handle nosy people bringing up TTC?