Anyone else’s partner terrible at gift giving?

I’m not ungrateful and I would never dream of telling him I don’t like his gifts. I would never dream of hurting his feelings.

But. The gifts are....disappointing? Underwhelming? I so badly want to love what he gave me, but his gifts just make me sad. They sort of prove to me that he doesn’t know me at all.

If you’re wondering what he gave me it was a cat hoodie (that had a pocket to carry your cat in....we don’t have a cat...we’ve never had a cat), like twelve pairs of socks that look like different breeds of cat and dogs, and a hat and scarf set.

I’m so happy he thought of me and I’m happy that he tried and gave me anything at all, but these gifts make me sad.

I know I should let this go, but I’m getting a little jealous seeing how everyone was spoiled this Christmas. I don’t know why I get excited about Christmas anymore. I just end up disappointed.