Other's opinions we just aren't asking for

Amanda • Amanda. 21. I have a human baby and a fur baby. March 2nd, 2018. 5lb 11.5oz 19inches. 👶🏼🐶🌳🌻☀️

Okay this has been a huge annoyance to me.. but does any other mommy here ever run into a person that asks you how your pregnancy is going JUST to talk about how shitty/great their pregnancy was? Like they are trying to one up you? I swear every time a women asks me how it's going they just ask so they have an excuse to talk about their own pregnancy and it's the most annoying thing. Or women love to ask intrusive questions like if I'm breastfeeding or if I'm vaccinating or if I'm going to circumcise my boy. It's none of your business! I mean if you're asking just to ask because your purely curious I get it, but if you are asking just to give me crap on what I decide then I don't want to hear it! Lol normally I'm so much more chill but between the hormones and the relatives over the holidays I'm over it.. Am I just being a bitch or are you other moms running into the same problem?? Let me know! Also just a happy holidays and best of luck to all you mommas out there💕