I let myself go after my baby


Seven months ago I delivered a healthy baby boy . I had preeclampsia at the end of my pregnancy, which has cause me to have high blood pressure . I gain weight due to side effects of my meds as well as not working out . I don’t take pictures on social media anymore, I don’t go out to have fun anymore . I actually hate to be seen . Well my finance know how I feel and he didn’t make it no better , he gets mad and say things like look at u , u need to do something with yourself. He even said he’s embarrassed to be seen with me ..I went in the mall with him Saturday he walked behind me the the entire time .. That was my breaking point , I made it home told him get his sh**t and go .. he laughed and bragged about going to someone who look better then me . I’m completely fine with tht , I’m going to work out and lose weight to feel better about myself and find a man who will love me unconditionally. He didn’t buy me or my child a Christmas gift didn’t call to even say happy 1st Christmas to my son wow .. My weight is 200-205 .