Nap strike :( help!


So... it happened. My daughter is on a nap strike. She typically naps from 11-2 along with my one & a half year old. Awake anytime between 5 (yikes) and 630. In bed at 8.

Well recently she has stopped napping. One day she’ll nap perfectly, the next three days she’ll completely refuse. I still insist that she has quiet time in her room reading and playing while her brother naps. She hates this & has become very defiant that she won’t nap and wants to play. The problem is that she is EXHAUSTED & so miserable without her daily nap. Throughout the day she actually nods off but if I put her in bed she’ll get right up & refuse to nap. Because of this she is sooo cranky, having crazy tantrums, is so out of it & just zoning out. Around 4-5 she’ll even beg to take a nap as she is so tired. (I don’t allow it because if bed time is ruined I’ll actually die of exhaustion myself. Is this a phase? Does anyone have any insight? I feel like I’m going to have a breakdown. I thought terrible twos couldn’t get any worse but.. here we are. 😥