Scared it will never happen again

Miranda • 👼🏻💙 now ttc again after dealing with infertility the first time. Excited but also dreading this journey again

After suffering with infertility for about 3 years I finally became pregnant back in march. Heartbeat was strong at 6 weeks 5 days but when I went in for my 10 week appointment the heartbeat was gone and development had stopped right at 8 weeks. After speaking with my doctor and getting my cervix checked it ended up being a missed miscarriage and my body showed no signs of ending the pregnancy on its own. I had an emergency D&C; at 10 weeks 2 days and it took another 10 weeks for me to get my first period. I've been trying ever since the surgery to get pregnant again and still nothing. Its devastating and I'm absolutely terrified that I'll never get pregnant again. Or if I do, will I lose it again? I also had a very early miscarriage at 17. What if my body just can't do it? Anyone feel this way or have any words of wisdom for me?