Love Found Us Again

I was 18 when I found my first love. I never truly know what love feels like until I met him. Things were fine for almost 6 months until one day it just suddenly fell apart. He wanted a break. I tried to save our relationship but he pushed me away so hard. Eventually, we broke up. I was so heart broken. Worst, he found someone new in less than 2 weeks after that. I never felt so hurt before. I thought to myself, "so this is what it really

feels like, love." I moved on soon after. He texted me once in a while to check up on me. I hated him so much back then that I cut all contacts with him. I can't even love someone after him. My feelings were just gone.

A year passed, and one day he messaged me through twitter. I tried to bring myself to forgive him and forget the past. I tried to become his friend. We talked. I forgot how much I love talking to him. He apologised for what he did, for what happened. He blamed himself for trusting his dumb decisions and for giving in to a girl who wanted him to cut connections with me. He realised how much he actually loves me. I didn't know what to do. I never expected him to come back. It was hard to trust him again. But I know deep down I still do love him. After 2 months, we got back together. It has been almost 2 years now. And there is still so much love between us. He changed to a better person, loves me well, treats me well. I'm the happiest girl whenever I'm with him. As the quote says, "sometimes, two people have to fall apart to realize how much they need to fall back together."