OPK lessons from a newbie

Amy • Mama to Henry 5/29/16 💙 and Anna 10/15/18 💜

I learned something on Christmas...I learned what an ACTUAL positive ovulation test looks like

Last cycle I *thought* I got a positive two tests in a row on cycle day 12 and 13 and stopped doing the BD on CD 13! I thought I nailed it and went into my TWW feeling pretty satisfied with my first time using OPK

That was month #3 trying to conceive baby #2. I conceived my first on month 2. But that was when I was 34 and not considered geriatric 😒

This month I got a pretty strong line again on CD 12 followed by a clear negative on CD 13 and then another strong line the night of CD 13. I was super confused...

Then on Christmas morning, CD 14, I took a test and that thick dark line damn nearly smacked me in the face.

There was no denying it was my peak and I realized that last month I likely stopped testing before I got my real positive. I felt like an idiot for stopping testing so early in my cycle.

Oh well! A valuable lesson was learned that a true positive is easy to see and there won’t be any guess work. It will save me from overanalyzing in the future (hopefully no future tests will be needed and this is our month!)

AF is due Jan 10. Send baby dust!!