3 Miscarriages, Pregnant again on Christmas!


Hi, I’m Dannielle. A few years ago I was told I had PCOS and wouldn’t be able to have kids. I had my first miscarriage towards the end of 2016, the 2nd pregnancy I felt I wasn’t getting the answers I needed, I miscarried and went to a specialist to further help me. He told me I didn’t have PCOS but that I have factor 5 & thrombosis. He put me on some vitamins and metformin, wrote me prescriptions for heprin & progesterone. My 3rd pregnancy I started the shots & compound immediately. My last miscarriage was about 4 months ago. On Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> I got my first faint positive test, Christmas Day it was clearly there :) now I’m on doubled doses of my shots (2 in the belly in the am & again in the pm). I’m asking for all the prayers and blessings I can get. I would also love to hear some tips y’all have for me, precautions to take, anything. I’m all ears! I’m praying my rainbow baby will be here next fall ❤️