
MY SO is 28 I am younger than him. we live together. been together about 9 months now. He always judges what I wear and says "I know you women like to show off" he always makes comment when I get ready foe work and put my make up on like " oh your going to put on you mask now" He always assumes I'm talking to other men which I AM NOT. he has the password to my phone and computer and I tell him to go through them if he wants and he always says "I don't want to". he calls me a slit or "Thot" out of the blue just because he feels like it. I love him. and I dont want to lose him but at this point he is holding me back. and he is changing me as a person and not in a good way. I dont go out with friends I dont text anyone and I rarely see my family. because he always acts like a child when I do. I have a nice job. and he can't keep a job. and he always says he feels guilty for not providing for me and he takes that anger out on me. i dont know what to do or how to do it. advice NEEEDED PLEASEEEE.

****Sorry if that is all jumbled typed fast as my lunch break is coming to an end. Just try to make sense of it lol. **