Thought I had a Christmas miracle.


I had a missed miscarriage in September. I was supposed to be 10 weeks but the baby only measured 7 with no heartbeat. I found out I was pregnant again last week on Sunday with a very very faint line. I kept testing every day and the lines kept getting darker and I got a positive on a digital. Yesterday when I tested the line was lighter when I was supposed to be 4w 4d. I didn’t let that scare me too much because it was an internet cheapie. Today I didn’t test but started spotting so I called the doctor and they wanted me to come in ASAP. Their urine test was negative so they did a blood test, which won’t come back for a day or two and want me to retest my blood in 48 hours. They explained it could be anything from implantation bleeding to a false negative test. I have a feeling it’s a chemical pregnancy, but they didn’t mention that it could be a miscarriage at all. The implantation bleeding explanation doesn’t make sense because I know when I ovulated because I was taking tests and my husband and I haven’t had sex since then because he’s been out of town.

I’m devastated and just know that this is it, even though they are trying to reassure me. I’m only supposed to be 4w 5d today but this just sucks. I hate the waiting game.