
I'm pregnant with my second and i really considering to terminate. I have a dick for a husband. we have no intimacy and we rarely ever have any sex. There's absolutely no flirting or even making me feel like he loves me. It's been like this for 3 years and our daughter is 1. I walked out on him several times before because i cant handle being in a non intimate relationship. he never initiates and he can go as long as possible. I'm 7 weeks pregnant and I've had the worst year possible with post natal depression and being admitted to mental health unit for the sake of my safety. I cannot go through another pregnancy and post natal depression and have a husband who doesn't even make me feel loved or wanted. I'm in 2 minds, im totally done with him, whether I keep the baby or not. we've been together 6 years and looking back, It's always been like this. the last time we had sex was 7weeks ago because i initiated. If i never initiate we never would have sex, or ANY kind of intimacy. I dont know what to do